Fall 2021 Home Content

Fall means saying goodbye to summer and embracing the new season. It’s all about pumpking carving, football games, cozying up under a warm blanket, and of course, decking out their homes with fall decor. Our goal was to deliver a unified Fall story to our guests across all channels.

Fall Ideas and Inspiration page

A marquee experience for the .com guest, the Fall Ideas and Inspiration page served as the hub for all things Fall. This page’s content was designed to be both inspirational and navigational, and spanned a large portion of home categories. It refreshed several times during the cycle, ensuring we were providing new and engaging content for the Fall-obsessed guest.

Fall Home Landing Page

With media driving to this page, it was key to represent fall on the Home Landing page in both an inspirational and navigational way. The page provided a entry to point to fall, with the most prominent driver on the page a video driving to the Fall Ideas and Inspiration page, and value-focused category drivers for the guest who was ready to shop right away.